
Aylin Gezgüç

She is the Founder of ARBOR Impact Design and a Board Member of “Hayata Destek Derneği” (Support to Life Association). She is working on impact design to create shared value using her knowledge of economic and social development issues in the public and private sectors in the focus of establishing collaborations. She has reaped her public sector experience in this field from her works in the field of development financing at the Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury, her corporate social responsibility projects in the private sector and her works as a volunteer and a board member in civil society. She has designed and managed effective and award-winning projects on the subjects of volunteering, institutional change, social impact, rights-based approach and investment in disadvantaged groups in projects such as “Meslek Lisesi Memleket Meselesi” (Vocational High School, A National Matter), “Ülkem İçin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğini Destekliyorum” (I Support Gender Equality for My Country) (HeforShe). She provides consultancy services to private sector and non-governmental organizations such as McKinsey, TUSIAD, Zorlu Group, HFE Foundation and international organizations such as ILO and UNDP on social and institutional investment and brand architecture. As an ACPC, she also conducts team coaching activities with individual coaching, sociocracy and deep democracy tools.

Aylin Gezgüç has a bachelor’s degree from Ankara University’s Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration and an MBA from University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Business.