Conscious individual, prudent ruler, society that looks after each other indiscriminately, a single earth;
Working with #stop #prudence #future #sustainability #technologicalsocialresponsibility #corona #oneforall #impactarea #netpositiveimpact #arborimpact…
Each of us has an impact area, and the theories of social acceptance show that we are impacted by each other. While making our decisions, we catch fire from psychological, social and behavioral triggers. Whatever we ensample to each other, it multiplies. Leave the theories aside and look at CORONA. When it comes to social distance, we keep distance all together; and when we go shopping, we go all together. What I see through CORONA is the impact that unites us and mobilizes the crowds together, as can be seen in its unfortunate homonym.
What I see through Corona is the trivialization of the class discrimination of people and the bound set of nations. A common ground was established for cooperation and altruism. However, the opportunists also cracked the window for themselves. As I said, we look after each other and act together. Then it is up to us to protest the opportunists and not to choose them by acting together. It is in our hands not to allow that opportunism, for example, we can start by not stocking masks and cologne unnecessarily. Anything bought extra, just in case you need it, means taking it from someone else with a more essential purpose of use. It could be someone carrying the virus or someone fighting it, in other words, it could be you or me. Being able to say “I have enough” and being self-sufficient is a new horizon for us in this period. We can get through this period by eating and consuming less, reading and thinking more, staying more in nature and in our bodies. We can look at a bigger picture in the light of our awareness enlightened by the gratitude of every breath we take.
No matter how bad it looks, the chart, which includes statistics from all over the world every day and allows us to access further information, indicates an issue beyond what is visible. We are interdependent. This planet, this earth, this world is our home. We are all children of one single world, despite the various worlds we create on it. Despite the status differences, discrimination criteria and black-balling methods that we have built among ourselves, we have seen that we share a single destiny in this world. Both the divine gift and the crisis of this world belong to all of us. Our only remedy is to protect each other and ask for its wellbeing, together with all its living things. Everything we are experiencing today is a preview.
What I see through Corona is this… If we continue to act with the panic of famine and the consumption madness, even though we are still blessed today, this will also be a preview of any crisis we may experience in 7 years or 13 years, or next year due to the climate crisis. This is a time when we’re shut away in our homes, productions and services are frozen, nature is recovering to clean itself and take a breath, and we humans are taking a break from consuming each other and nature. So we can ask ourselves the following question: “How can we live differently so that we can build more sustainable lives and a future?”
What I see through Corona is our ability to take measures together. We are in many interconnected, interacting, dynamic networks that have one or more values that they set forth together. We call this the system. The most inclusive system on earth is the ecological system, and the following one is the economic system. We have already left behind the constraints of living as if these two are not connected to each other. Our habits that are built on a one-sided reception relationship and therefore create negative externalities from economy to ecology, now bring negative externality from ecology to economy. Serious economic measures had to be taken to fix this imbalance. Maybe Corona alone forces us to take these measures.
Systems consist of chains that trigger each other. Therefore, when trying to understand a system, we may have the chance to observe the health of the system, its culture, and the direction of its patterns by looking at what is rewarded and fed and what is definitely not accepted. A change in a system and its permanence are possible if and only when the patterns existing in the system in spirals and loops change. Factors that impact the system all at once may come into play. These can have a positive and negative impact, as well as a stabilizing or progressive impact.
The “new” corona virus, which currently affects the entire world, pushes us towards a “new” structuring. This new structuring also includes the steps to be taken for the climate crisis. For example, the infrastructure works of the home-office system, which have been on the agenda of most companies but not implemented so far, have gained momentum. In fact, many companies have already put this system into practice. Limiting travel by airplanes, which have a significant share in the carbon footprint, and people holding online meetings instead of physically gathering are also among the examples. We have seen that solutions can be found in a very short time and when we’re united. Perhaps this danger we are facing will also lead companies to create permanent solutions for a sustainable future.
When we think twice, innovations will come to our minds. Things that we occupy ourselves with and see as important, people, actions, some activities that require great resources and we dedicate our hours to, that endless speed and extreme busyness are all being shaken off. A huge STOP sign is coming towards us. With a nice exercise in the Adler Coaching Curriculum, we say STOP (step back, think over, organize, proceed) to our clients when in panic. Think about it, our pre-virus state was like a state of panic too. It was as if the world was being taken away from under us, as if there was a big cake and someone was stealing our slice from us. We were constantly making additions to a brutal order. Now, let’s stop and take a step back. What do we see and what do the things we see tell us?
When we can stop and listen, the real thing will come out. Just as we have become more real, happier, more loving, more sharing, more satisfied and more productive people with the change/transformation decisions we had to take in times when we had difficulty in our own lives, these difficulties we’re all going through together will also maximize the same in our lives. Then we will organize our thoughts accordingly and support them with our actions. But first, let’s imagine what kind of future we desire.
What if we, as the world, work for equality and a sustainable future through a collective volunteering movement? How about we address the climate crisis and humanity crises together in the new era and incorporate the opportunities of technology into this alloy in an innovative way?
A new research study by McKinsey also supports this view. Making choices with a conscious awareness against how technology will be used in the new age will determine the future of everything on earth. McKinsey, the leader of the global business world, introduces us to the concept of Technological Social Responsibility (TSR) and says that TSR refers to the harmonization of short and medium term business goals and long term social needs.
They obtained their determinations, which they summarized in this scheme, based on Welfare Economics Theories and by adding on them as well as looking at how technology can make the best contribution to our lives. When faced with the question of whether to invest more in machines or people (needs of society), two main dimensions will be determinative for business people.
There are two factors that determine the balance between adaptation to new technology and the adaptation of business and social interests:
The first one is the innovation dimension. It is the decision to go through investments that enhance innovation, thus triggering growth through innovation. This shows the movement towards the (+) end on the horizontal axis. At the opposite pole of this decision moving towards the (-) end on the horizontal axis, there are investments in machines that reduce labor costs.
The second one is the proactive dimension. By taking steps in a way that technology adaptation supports the transformation of the workforce, that is, increasing the skills of the workforce and supporting a more fluid labor market, a movement on the vertical axis towards the (+) end is possible. And at the opposite pole are the investments made after the quick and reactive decisions taken when necessary.
We aim to take position in the upper right square in this graph. We invite you to choose to have a positive impact on both the vertical axis and the horizontal axis, shaping the future with proactive decisions.
When you position your company in this square as per your investment needs and opportunities, you build a model that both uses technology for the good of everyone and responds to the growth and flourishing expectations of the organization instead of focusing on cost saving.
Technology can also help us build circular economic models. Maybe I will include this in the essence of another article. If you are interested, please write in the comments so I will give it priority.
Let’s go back to the research. The bottom line of the research is this… We are now aware that short-term profit maximization alone will not save us.
Let me tell you about what I see through Corona. Turkey is taking individual and corporate measures rapidly. What I observe around myself as of today is that 33 NGOs and 28 companies have switched to home-office / remote working systems. Apart from this, we see that institutions support their relations with their stakeholders through measures taken in line with their sense of responsibility and that they set some new rules. We’re sharing the mini posters that we have compiled from those we have received along with this post. This period is actually the period of moderation, contemplation, prudence, thinking and protecting each other in unity, as in every period. With the measures we take, we can eliminate a possible danger targeting the society as a whole, which could spread from one employee to another. If you want to contribute to the spreading of good practices by sharing your own practices with us, we welcome your comments.
Corona is granting us time. We can also consider zoom conversations as a part of this. This period may also be a period of letting things go, drifting into panic, being in vacation mode and surrendering oneself to the series one after another. Or it may be a period of researching, thinking, developing suggestions, writing, and knowledge generation. We’re human after all, we do go through these moods. I invite you to use this period to meet ourselves in a compassionate space and to design compassionate spaces for others. Systems must generate health for our own sake and for survival. Remember the plastic waste and carbon in the oceans. Let’s be grateful to be able to breathe even when there is no virus. I love this world very much. And I want to look after this planet that is home to all of us. This is possible through systems that do not generate waste and contain social inclusion. We have the chance to build a beautiful future starting from today. We can review and renew the systems we have. For a Net Positive impact, we can use the impact of design, common intention and common action to brighten the future.